Do Something About it!

gold-starts-divider.gif picture by Pakistan_My_Quest

Do something about it

gold-starts-divider.gif picture by Pakistan_My_Quest

Are you frustrated and burned out?
What are you going to do About it?

Is there something you really want to achieve?
What are you Going to do about it?

Have you just become aware of an incredible opportunity?
What are you going to do about it?

What are you going to do today, right this moment?
What Actions will you take to end your frustration,
to achieve Your dream, to take advantage of

Success and achievement depend not on
how much you complain, Or on your ability
to garner simpathy from others, but on
What you do.
And right now is the time to start.

Go ahead and move beyond the frustration,
begin to work Toward the dream, and
make the most of your best Possibilities.
Go ahead right now and do something positive
And effective about it.

~Ralph Marston~