Precious Time

GoodMornngPakistan_My_Quest.gif picture by Pakistan_My_Quest

Precious Time

bdiv1902.gif picture by Pakistan_My_Quest

There are only two dozen hours in this

beautiful day.

Do you Wish to waste any of them on

anger or spite or resentment or Despair?

Your time is precious and filled with

so many valuable Possibilities.

Choose to spend that time accordingly,

ever Mindful of its positive potential.

The most highly accomplished people

in the world have Exactly the same

number of hours in this day as you do.

Feel The very real opportunity,

and make it count.

Precious time is yours, right here, right now.

Put your Absolute best into it again and

again as it flows through You.
Let your highest purpose leave its mark

on each moment.

The Joys you create continue to accumulate,

and never stop Shining.

gallery_969.gif picture by Pakistan_My_Quest